TLDR; I can do all stages of a web product development, from planning, programming, verification, packaging, releasing, configuring infrastructure, monitoring, scalability, availability, compliance, security, services, InnerSourcing, integration and maintenance..
Subject | Skills |
Backend | Node.js (ExpressJS, Strongloop, Restify, Hapi...), PM2 Process Manager |
Cloud | Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, Digital Ocean |
AWS | CloudFront, APIGateway, Signing Endpoints on APIGateway, IAM Authorizations, Cognito, Lambda, Lambda@Edge, S3, Route53, IAM, EC2, EKS, DynamoDB, ELBs Load Balancers,.. |
Devops | Kubernetes Cluster Provisioning and Deployment, Docker Swarm, DNS, SSL, CI/CD Pipelines, Helm for K8s ,Kubernetes Operations |
Serverless | AWS Lambda, Lambda@Edge (via JavaScript), Serverless Framework, Static Lambda HTML Pages |
Front-end | Angular 7, Service Workers, VueJS, Backbone, MarionetteJS, React > 16, Gatsby, RxJS, MustacheJS, WebPack, Grunt, Gulp, MaterializeCSS, Progressive Web Apps, Mobile Web optimised pages,, SEO, within others.. |
JS Paradigms | Imperative, Declarative (Functional Programming), Reactive Programming |
APM | NewRelic |
GIT | Git Hooks, Bare clones, PRs, GitFlow, GitHub, BitBucket.. |
Linux | Bash Scripting and Networking for DevOps/Assistive Tasks, Pipes, SSH |
Message Queues | FIFO Queues, ALOD Queues, RabbitMQ, AMQPCloud (managed RabbitMQ), AWS SQS |
Payment Gateways | PayPal, Buckaroo |
Test Frameworks | Protractor, Jest |
Query Languages | GraphQL, REST, SQL |
Infrastructure Telemetry and Forensics | Sysdig, K8s Metrics Server API |
CI/CD | Drone (container based), Jenkins |
Database | NoSQL: MongoDBCloud, MLab, Big Data (250GB+), MongoDB performance queries, indexing, complex aggregations, MongoDB bare-metal, MLab, MongoDBAtlas, Studio3T |
BigData | Large collections 250GB+, Performance queries, indexing, complex aggregations, backups, migrations, updates, full backup estrategies |
Engineering | UML Diagrams (State, Sequence, Class), FR's, NFR's Sheets |
Domain, DNS | GoDaddy, SimpleDns, Route53 |
Hosting | Hostinger, Heroku, DigitalOcean, S3 |
Logging | Rsyslog (distributed log processing), LogEntries |
Documentation | Swagger |
Languages | TypeScript, JSX, JavaScript, Python, Bash |
Web Server, Reverse Proxy | NGiNX, LightTPD |
Networking | Reverse Proxies, SSL Certificates Installation and Renewal, DNS Configurations (A, CNAMES, etc), K8s Services (via NodePort and more advanced configs) |
Mail and Marketting | Mailchimp |
Docker | Supervisor Process Manager, Dumb Init, Custom Images |
Security | Tokens management, CORS Policies, Origin Whitelisting/Blacklisting, Requests Limiters, K8s ConfigMaps, Environment Variables for secrets, Secrets offuscation, Password rotation policicies, Public registry package inspection (eg. NPM) |
▲ Spoiler alert: I work with containers everywhere.. even this site is running under a container, and was coded inside a container.. yup, containers are the way to go 👍